The Green Deal Alliance (GDA) was established with the mission of fulfilling the vision of the Western Australian State Government’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 (WARRS) – ‘Western Australia will become a sustainable, low-waste, circular economy in which human health and the environment are protected from the impacts of waste’.
The Green Deal Alliance is a collaborative of Government and Industry. It is a member based strategic alliance with all members working collaboratively together to achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes of mutual benefit.
The Green Deal Alliance is a collaborative of Government and Industry. It is a member based strategic alliance with all members working collaboratively together to achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes of mutual benefit.
The current core members of the GDA include the following:
- Office of Major Transport Infrastructure Delivery (OMTID) / Public Transport Authority (PTA)
- Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC)
- Mindarie Regional Council (MRC)
- Resource Recovery Group (RRG)
- Covalent Lithium (CL)
To be a core member of the GDA, an organisation must be a signatory to the GDA Heads of Agreement or its addenda.
There are also a significant number of other GDA industry members that are non-core members without voting rights.
- Office of Major Transport Infrastructure Delivery (OMTID) / Public Transport Authority (PTA)
- Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC)
- Mindarie Regional Council (MRC)
- Resource Recovery Group (RRG)
- Covalent Lithium (CL)
To be a core member of the GDA, an organisation must be a signatory to the GDA Heads of Agreement or its addenda.
There are also a significant number of other GDA industry members that are non-core members without voting rights.
The Green Deal Alliance have undertaken an extensive amount of work and produced supporting documentation, e.g. a Prospectus justifying strategic investment in processing facilities for FOGO derived landscaping materials, e.g., soil conditioner, mulch, topsoil. A copy of the Prospectus document is given below.
A similar process is currently underway to produce a Prospectus for the utilisation of lithium ore-sand byproduct as a general fill material on transport infrastructure projects.